The New YPP Eligibility Change – Will It Impact YouTube Creators?

What do you think about the new YouTube Partner Program (YPP) eligibility requirement change? How will it impact YouTube? Seems like everyone is just updating its ads program. An example is the Twitter Ads Revenue Sharing program. You will find out by the end of this article that this is a good thing for future potential creators on YouTube.

There are two ways to become a YouTube Partner. The first way is to get 500 subscribers and 3,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months. The second way is to get 10 million valid public Shorts views and 500 subscribers in the last 90 days.

YouTube has recently made changes to the eligibility requirements for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). The new requirements are significantly lower than the previous requirements, making it easier for more creators to monetize their videos. In this article, we will discuss the previous YPP requirements, the new YPP eligibility requirement change, and how to apply for YPP.

The New YPP Eligibility Change - Will It Impact YouTube Creators?

The Previous YPP Requirements

The previous requirements were in place for several years, and they helped to ensure that only high-quality creators were able to join the YPP. However, some creators felt that the requirements were too difficult to meet, and they called for YouTube to make them more accessible. Here were the previous requirements:

  • Subscribers and Watch Hours: You had to have at least 1,000 plus subscribers and either accumulate 4,000 valid public watch hours over the course of the last 12 months or 10M shorts views over the last 90 days. These watch hours were the total hours viewers spent watching your videos on YouTube’s website or app.
  • High Watch Hour Threshold: Alternatively, creators could achieve eligibility by amassing an impressive 100,000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months, regardless of the number of subscribers.

Lowering their requirements

The New YPP Eligibility Requirement Change – The Easier Path to Monetization

In June 2023, YouTube announced that it would be changing the eligibility requirements for the YPP. The new requirements make it easier for more creators to monetize their videos, by lowering the threshold for subscribers and watch hours required. The new requirements are as follows:

  • Creators must have 500 subscribers and 3 valid public uploads in the last 90 days.
  • And Creators must have either 3,000 valid public watch hours in the past year OR 3M valid public Shorts views in the last 90 days.

The changes to the eligibility requirements are part of YouTube’s ongoing efforts to make it easier for creators to make money from their videos. Plus, the difference is very large, like the public shorts views were reduced by 7M. Also, the number of required subscribers by 500, and the public watch hours by 1000 too.

How To Apply For YPP

To apply to become a YouTube Partner, you have to be 8 years or older. If you are, then go to YouTube Studio > Channel > Features > Monetization and click Apply.

When you apply to become a YouTube Partner, you must:

  • Meet all of the eligibility requirements.
  • Comply with YouTube’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.
  • Have a linked AdSense account.

YouTube will review your channel and make a decision within a few weeks. If your channel is approved, you’ll be able to start monetizing your videos with ads. Also, make sure that you don’t break any rules when you get approved, if not you can easily be disapproved or cancelled.

The Impact of YPP Eligibility Requirement Change

With the lowering of the YPP eligibility requirements, a lot of people will be affected by this. Be it positively or negatively it can drastically change how YouTube works. Here are some of the impacts of this change:

  • Creators will have more opportunities to grow their channels: With the lower eligibility requirements, creators will be able to start monetizing their videos sooner. This will give them more resources to invest in their channels, such as creating better content and promoting their videos.
  • More creators will be able to monetize their videos: The new requirements make it significantly easier for creators to reach the 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours threshold required to join the YPP. This means that more creators will be able to start earning money from their videos.
  • Creators will have more opportunities to grow their channels: With the lower eligibility requirements, creators will be able to start monetizing their videos sooner. This will give them more resources to invest in their channels, such as creating better content and promoting their videos.
  • The YouTube community will benefit from more great content: As more creators are able to monetize their videos, they will be more likely to create high-quality content that people want to watch. This will benefit the entire YouTube community by providing more entertainment and information.

YouTube believes that these changes will help more creators reach their full potential and create even more great content for the YouTube community.


In conclusion, YouTube has lowered its eligibility requirements for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), making it easier for more creators to monetize their videos. We discussed the previous requirements, the new requirements, and the impact of the new requirements on creators and the YouTube community. We also discussed some of the benefits of the new requirements, such as more creators being able to monetize their videos and the YouTube community benefiting from more great content.

What do you think about the new YPP eligibility requirements? Do you think they are fair? Do you think they will have a positive impact on the YouTube community? Are there any other benefits of the new requirements that we haven’t discussed?